This year at the Orange Blossom Quilt Guild we have something new. Becky Hoskins is leading us in a theme quilt. Our Quilt is from the Seasonal Delights Book by Nancy Smith and Lynda Milligan. "1776 Let Freedom Ring". Here is my first month's project. I used only fabric from my stash. I did not have to buy anything. So each month we will make the next section and by the end of the year we will each have a completed quilt. This should be a nice project for me to do.
I haven't done any piecing for a few months. So this weekend has been nice. I've been worked on the Material Girls Challenge. The Material Girls is my friendship group from the Common Threads Quilt Guild. This year we are making signature blocks. Each of us picked a theme or a set of colors. We each stated the size we would like. In June we will get together and exchange blocks. Then we will have to create a quilt using those blocks by our December Christmas Party.
Last night I made 5 blocks. I only have 11 more to go. I think I'll work on more tonight. I can't show them yet. It's another secret.......