Here is Janice Minyard. She is the Featured Artist at the Best of The Valley Quilt Show. She is a wonderful Quilter and you must see her booth!
Diane Mitchell and I went to the show today and we sold tickets for the Orange Blossom Quilters' Opportunity Quilt. It won an Honorable Mention and is a real Beauty. If you would like to buy tickets for it just let me know. I posted a picture of it earlier on my Blog.
We also shopped til we dropped.

These glasses are so cool. They have lights on the sides of them. "the better to see with my dear"

The light fabric is for an Antique Linen Quilt that I plan to make. And the Black pieces are for the May Guild Class. It is Thoroughly Modern Dresden by Analie Belden.

Two Purse Patterns and a Book on Applique. And 2 Big Buttons for my Purses.

Here are the beautiful Hand Dyes by Kristen Eilers. Aren't they beautiful? I plan to use them in my Purses.