I bet you have been wondering if I had fell off the face of the earth! No, I have not! I've been very busy quilting and having fun. Last week I spent a marvelous time at the Empty Spools Quilting Seminar. My class was with Ruth McDowell. She was a wonderful teacher. I highly recommend taking a class from her. Next year will be her last at Empty Spools.

Here is Anna and Barbara. Anna is resting after all her Quilting with Don Linn. She loved her Class. Barbara is doing her Therapy for her Shoulder. She wasn't to happy with her class choice. It was not what she expected.

I was lucky to have my work station next to the Artist in Residence, David Taylor. What a wonderful and gifted Artist he is. And a very fun fellow. He will be teaching next year at Empty Spools. I would love to take a class with him.

This is Ruth McDowell's Quilt. It is her Daughter's Dog. It was my inspiration for my Quilt.

Here is my design. It is my 16 year old dog Squirt. I took the picture years ago. It is one of the best pictures I have every taken.

This is what it looks like as of this morning. I worked on it yesterday for awhile. I'm really happy with it. Someone in the class said to me, "This class makes you look like an Artist, even if you can't draw." I think that statement is true.
I had a great time at Empty Spools. I met a bunch of wonderful, talented people. And I will remember last week for a long, long time.